This post is about the Mise-en-scene for our music video and quite honestly, I should be the last person to write it. Primarily because as I said earlier, my interests are different from the group and I am not overly enthusiastic about conceptual videos and hence deciding the mise-en-scene for such a video doesn't come under my forte. If it was a video that relied more highly on narrative that I would have been the person to do it like I handled all such things for my AS film opening, "Redacted".
Ideally, this task should be handled by either Huzaifaa or Abdullah as they are the intellectual "artists" of the group and since the main gist of the concept was Huzaifaa's idea, this task was handed to him as well.
He did a great job with it and below is what he came up with
1. Lighting
After having a very successful experience while working on our AS level project, Abdullah and I were quite sure of doing this project using natural light as well since it is not much of a hustle and actually looks good on camera. Humayun and Basil agreed as they too were keen on the idea of using as much natural light as possible.
However, one thing that did prove to be a hurdle was our choice of using a soft light that comes sometime between dusk and noon. It does not stay for very long and but looks drop dead gorgeous onscreen so we had to make sure our production went without any delays. Should the production take too long, then evening would have fallen and we would have ended up getting grainy shots with lots of dark. And should we have started filming earlier, we would not have gotten that soft, blue light and would have had to make do with the harsh glow of the Sun.
Here are some examples from film and music that make use of natural lighting.

2. Costumes
We were quite sure as to what we wanted in terms of the costumes of the characters. We wanted all the boys to be shirtless with shorts on but, considering the etiquette that has suddenly seeped into the 21st century man (and after taking into consideration our own artist’s femininity), it was agreed that vests would have to do to uphold that last shred of modesty we were so desperately clinging to. We thought of not having any shoes, just vests and shorts. Here are our influences which were mainly from Lord of the Flies.

3. Makeup and Hairstyle
Again, this was done keeping in mind Lord of the Flies and so the idea was to paint ourselves in wild colours. We wanted our characters to have some exotic, tropical look and I think we will achieve that. Refer to the pictures in the ‘Costumes’ section.
4. Setting
The setting obviously had to be our school since there was no way we could have gotten a ground as big as the one in our school with permission to roam naked in it. So we used our school grounds. However, we had to take permission from our school’s administration first. Here is proof of us asking for permission.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the school and school grounds.

5. Props
None required, none used.
This concludes the post and I believe Huzaifaa explained everything perfectly.