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Record Labels

While we are still working on finalizing a concept for our music video, we were informed of the syllabus requirement that our fictitious...

Research Survey

This year I decided to make the research survey and my group mates allowed me to do so. Since last year my group used Survey Monkey, this...

Genre: What is it?

In this post I will attempt to explain what Genre is and through that explain its significance in all media, especially, music videos....


If you were to type "Intertextuality" in the google search bar, the definition you would get is, " the relationship between texts,...

The Semiotics of a Music Video

Signs are an integral part of our world and we use them so often, to help communicate with others, that more than half of the time we...

Styles of a Music Video

While Music Videos can be classified through their type and genre, another method to classify them is through their style. Some popular...

Types of Music Videos

While we have discussed what a Music Video is and its history, I believe we also need to discuss the types they are generally categorized...

The Purpose of a Music Video

If you want to learn the purpose of creating music videos, I believe that there are 4 major purposes that you should be aware of. 1. It...

The History and Evolution of Music Videos

Since I will be going with the Music Video task for my A2 project, I believe it to be necessary to learn the history of music videos and...

Music Video: How Do You Define It?

A Music video is defined by different dictionaries in different words, for example, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as "A videotaped...

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