Abdullah created the official moodboard for our Music Video peoject and, in his words,
Just popping in real quick to post my mood board.
So a quick explanation of everything that’s on here. We have “Lord of the Flies”, which is a major source of inspiration, and we have children in tribalistic scenarios, similar to the book. We have the kindergartners from Recess, as well as a still from Sia’s “Chandelier” video, both of which have been described earlier as points of inspiration. I wanted to capture the childlike quality we’re going for, so we have a child wearing face-paint, as well as some finger-painting.
There is a color palette of white and primary colors, which is what we predominantly want to use, particularly in the face-paint, to further sell the childlike quality. In the bottom-right corner is a picture of our school ground and courtyard where the video will take place (hopefully it won’t be as crowded on shoot day). And finally, in the center is a mock-up I made of what our actors will be wearing (the original picture had no face-paint and had a striped blue shirt). As you can see, the face-paint has a very simplistic, primitive pattern and selection of colors.
I think this captures our idea pretty comprehensively, and it helps to visualize more concretely what the product will look like. We can check this off our list."

Huzaifaa also created a moodboard and the following are his words
"We were really not sure as to where we ought to go from forming the basic outline of the video. So, our teacher suggested we make a moodboard as that would have helped. And so I churned out this little thing from the videos we all like and thought should be influencing our own music video.
I am a Lana fan and so I had to include “Mariners Apartment Complex” and “Video Games”. I really wanted to add “Venice Bitch” and “Love” as well but that would have needlessly crowded the mood board.
Anyway, Humayun is a huge Gaga and Marina fan which is our music video also has elements of Gaga’s blockbuster hit “G.U.Y” and Marina’s “Obsession”.
Marina’s music video for “Obsession” was especially helpful as it was a performance-based video with star of the song in the video yet the video did not have the star lip-synching. This gave us the idea of not having our star not lip-synch as well since we did not want to look like awkward teenagers fumbling to get their lip-synch right since none of us is a very talented performer.
Anyway, Abdullah really liked Katy Perry and Lorde and so both were included as we felt their respective videos could have really helped as well.
Basil loved Troye Sivan’s “My My My” and Sia’s “Elastic Heart”. Both videos had a great influence on us in both the narrative and the aesthetic department. Sivan’s “My My My” helped us with the visuals whereas the frenzy rawness of “Elastic Heart” helped us define the tonality we were aiming for in our video.
And we all agreed after much deliberation that the core of the video will be formed by Sia’s “The Greatest” since it actually involved little children running around and then forming a pile of bodies. We borrowed a lot from this particular video and it can be said to have formed the backbone of our project."
All of this resulted in him creating the following Moodboard.
