This post details the events of the shoot itself.
As implied in my last post, we started with the first shot that is of Humayun's face, upside down. He got up on the pull up bar and hung upside down, the camera was still set from our trial shots and this shot went smoothly. While Abdullah captured these shots, we finalized the paint on everyone and started setting the frame for the next shots.
All of us got in formation, Huzaifaa set the camera settings for this shot and Abdullah proceeded to capture them.
By this time the drone arrived with a battery life of 25 minutes and we halted everything, proceeding to first take the drone shots that we were to be situated in the football field.
We plugged the drone into charging and I set the camera on the tripod for the running shots after which Abdullah proceeded to capture them since he was the one not in any of those shots.
Having winded up the shoot in the football field, with the natural light drawing to a close, we hurriedly proceeded to the basketball court, which was now free, and got in formation on the ground after which Abdullah took close-ups and an aerial shot from the drone. After an eternity of lying on the hard surface of the football court with someone's foot always a little too close to someone's face, we were finally done with this scene too.
Now we moved onto the last remaining major scene, the hide and seek part. We made use of the school's volleyball court and the parked school buses for this scene. Huzaifaa helped Abdullah get the ideal camera settings and then in one very long take, Abdullah proceeded to capture the entire scene. (The camera was set on the tripod and Abdullah was holding the tripod).
This drew our shoot to a close for most of the cast with the exception of Humayun and Salman. Their final scenes together along with Salman's upside down close up were pending. I, along with Huzaifaa, assisted Abdullah with the camera work in these shots and we proceeded to closing the shoot and washing the itching paint off our faces. Not before a quick pull-up contest thought the results of which will not be shared publicly.
This concluded our shoot, and after wrapping it up, we all went for a nice meal.
Here are some of the BTS shots. Basically I had captured over 50 BTS shots but my SD card got corrupted due to a stupid game before I could transfer them to my laptop and all of them got erased. These were saved because I had shared them on the whatsapp group.
